The Power of the Smoothie By Doug Cook RD, MHSc

When it comes to healthy eating, it’s important not to get bogged down with dietary dogma; rules that more often ...

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October 9th is World Egg Day – Let’s Celebrate!

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, but there’s another celebration that I can really get behind. Friday, October 9, 2020 is World Egg Day! Established by the International Egg Commission in the UK, this observance has been noted since 1996, and is now marked in people’s calendars to hail the benefits of eggs. Today the event is celebrated right across the globe, as countries continue to promote the importance of eggs as a sustainable and affordable source of nutrition.

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Pop Some Eggs into Your Lunchbox

Eggs cook quickly, so prepping lunch in the morning (or the night before) won’t take long, and eggs are easy to pack and transport. I use a bag with an ice pack to keep everything fresh. Finally, eggs are also versatile, so I never get bored! I could enjoy a quiche, or a salad topped with sliced hard-boiled eggs, or EGG Bakes! Egg Patties on an English muffing with spinach and tomato.

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Burnbrae Farms: A Proud National Sponsor of Parkinson's Superwalk Since 2006!

Burnbrae Farms and Parkinson Canada promote overall brain health for Canadians, and specifically those living with Parkinson’s. Evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish, spinach, flax and hemp seeds, and omega-3 enriched eggs, may have neuroprotective properties.

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Kid-Friendly Open-Faced Sandwiches!

From shopping for new school supplies, to getting your getting kids back into a routine after a long summer break, ...

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Low Carb Lunchbox Snacks: Cheesy Egg White Chips & Scotch Eggs

Protein is key in staying full and satisfied until you next meal! From cheesy egg white chips to scotch eggs, these recipes are sure to become your new go-to lunch box snack.

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Nutrition Facts & Specialty Eggs

Today I’m going to tell you more about the beneficial nutrients in these specialty eggs. As a company, we have specifically focused on omega-3 and lutein. Why? Because these are two nutrients that many Canadians are not getting enough of. Our aim is to develop products to help close the nutrient gap by offering nutritious and delicious options.

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Nutrition Facts & Eggs - Decoding the Nutrients in Eggs

You’ve probably heard that eggs are healthy because they are full of nutrients. But have you ever wondered exactly what’s found in eggs and why they are so nutritious? Amazingly, I can write a top 10 list of the nutrients in eggs, and still not cover all of the amazing health benefits! But as a start, here’s an overview of the top 10 nutrients you will find in two regular large eggs.

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Solar Water Heating

At Burnbrae Farms we are proud to produce nutritious affordable eggs for Canadians while working to protect and enrich the environment. As part of that commitment, we closely monitor energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, recycle and compost eggshells, and reuse the water used to wash the eggs. We are constantly researching projects to look at ways to reduce our GHG energy use, one of these projects is the use of solar water heaters in a test run by the Poultry Operations team using solar energy to heat the water used in the office.

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Eggs At Your BBQ? You Bet!

On sweltering days, when it’s too hot to turn on the oven to make dinner, here’s my back up plan: I turn to the backyard grill for many of my family’s summer meals. Over the years, I’ve tried dozens of amazing egg recipes on my barbeque, and today I’m going to share some of my favourites with you. Eggs on the barbeque? It sounds surprising, but a whole new world of flavour awaits you with these delicious ideas.

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Get more from your salads with the help of eggs!

We all have our favourite food pairings. Some people like peanut butter and jelly, while others favour that famous comfort food combo of macaroni and cheese. But my favourite food pairing is a little bit more obscure – it’s eggs and salad, and today I’m going to tell you why these work so well together.

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The Truth About Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Agriculture

Everyone seems to be worried about the environment and the threat of climate change these days. And no wonder! Weather ...

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The Importance of Eggs During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a special time for soon-to-be-mommas. I remember being pregnant with my daughter, who is now almost 16 years old, and being so excited about becoming a new mother. I wanted to do everything right for my baby and bought the giant pregnancy books available at the time and read them religiously. I remember early on being advised by my friend, who is a doctor, to start taking multi-vitamins specifically for pregnant women to ensure that I was getting enough B vitamins and other nutrients critical for my developing child. I was grateful for the advice and eager to learn anything I could to help me on my new adventure with my baby.

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