Hot Off The Press – Eggs every day are totally okay!

My breakfast almost always includes eggs, so I was pleased to read about two new studies published in May that further support my daily decision. Remember a few years ago when eggs were much maligned in the popular press, and were wrongfully associated with high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes? The tides have turned, and this new research further supports what we’ve said all along: Eggs every day are totally okay!

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Poultry Welfare

Burnbrae Farms has been a Canadian and family-owned farm since 1893 and has been producing shell eggs and innovative egg ...

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Healthy Choices for a Gluten-Free Diet

Finding gluten-free foods can be a challenge for people who need to avoid gluten. This includes anyone who has celiac ...

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How Protein Helps Fuel Healthy Active Lifestyles

When it comes to fueling healthy active lifestyles, protein-rich foods such as eggs are brimming with benefits. Protein helps provide ...

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Beak Treatment

We are often asked about beak treatments in relation to the welfare of our hens. Chickens are omnivores (they will ...

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Burnbrae Farms & Naturegg Free Run Eggs

Burnbrae Farms Free Run Omega 3™ and Naturegg Free Run™ eggs are produced by hens that are free to roam ...

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Conventional Hen Housing

Burnbrae Farms is proud to provide consumers with choice in the type of eggs they purchase. Eggs laid by hens ...

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Make Hay While The Sun Shines!

“Make hay while the sun shines”. Nothing could be more true! Who could guess, though, that it is a process ...

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Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Pack

The ultimate in nutrition and convenience, our Naturegg Omega 3 Hard Boiled Egg Snack Pack provides you with ready to ...

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Are omega-3 eggs really better for me?

Are Omega-3 eggs really a better choice? People often ask me, somewhat skeptically, if omega-3 eggs really are a better ...

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Preserving Tomorrow by Conserving Today

We recognize the importance of the environment here at Burnbrae Farms and are committed to reducing our environmental footprint. Like ...

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Burnbrae Farms: The Vision of Two Local Eastern Ontario Farm Kids

In 2011, Burnbrae Farms celebrated 120 years of proud farming history. We salute our founders Joe and Grant Hudson who ...

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