A bright idea: reducing energy consumption at Mississauga grading station

Marco Trani has been a proud employee of Burnbrae Farms for the past 21 years. As a Senior Maintenance Manager ...

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Myths “Cracked” – Are Cage-Free Eggs Healthier for Me?

MYTH: Cage-free eggs are healthier. MYTH CRACKED: The truth is – all eggs are incredibly healthy – no matter which type of hen housing is used.

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The Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fats

You know omega-3 fats are good for you. That’s because they’ve been linked to a variety of health benefits. These amazing fats are so important for health, few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as omega-3 fats have. So what exactly are omega-3 fatty acids, why should you make sure you’re getting enough of them and how do omega-3 enriched eggs fit in?

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Let Eggs be Part of Healthy Eating Resolutions

If healthy eating is among your New Year resolutions, eggs are a great place to start. Adding more vegetables, fruit ...

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Egg Myths – How Well Do You Know Eggs?

Brown eggs or white eggs? Hormone-free or antibiotic-free? Is it okay to start every day with eggs at breakfast? When it comes to eggs, we can all agree they are a great source of protein but unfortunately eggs are not immune to confusing myths. We frequently receive requests to address certain myths and have rounded up the most popular here.

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Nutrition and Immunity

Your immune system is one of the best defenses you have against becoming ill. It is a complex and integrated system of cells, tissues, and organs. These include your tonsils (if you have them), lymph nodes and vessels, your thymus, spleen, Peyer’s patches (a type of lymph tissue in your digestive tract), even your bone marrow and, of course, white blood cells.

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Eggs: Good Nutrition for Teens

Many teenagers might be surprised to learn that the morning meal they so often skip could actually help keep them lean. And because eggs are an excellent source of protein and chock full of essential vitamins and minerals, they’re a great choice for growing teens. Here’s what the research tells us about the benefits of breakfast for teens, plus some ideas to get them to eat breakfast.

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The Importance of the Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio by Doug Cook RD, MHSc

You might be wondering what the big deal is? Omega-6 and omega-3 fats carry out essential tasks in the body. Despite the importance of these essential fats, getting too much of either one can interfere with how the other one functions.

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Eggs – Great Fuel for Growing Children

Looking for good ways to fuel your children’s bodies and minds and help them do their best at school and play? Think eggs!

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EGG Bakes! Breakfast Sandwiches 4 Ways

Southwest Chipotle Breakfast Sandwich A delicious southwestern twist on a quick and tasty breakfast sandwich! Prep time: 5 minCook time: ...

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Protein. Is it all about Timing?

People’s interest in protein as a nutrient remains strong; it’s still a highly searched word online and with good reason: protein is an essential nutrient for optimal health. While most Canadians get enough protein to prevent a protein deficiency, most are not consuming it in a way that optimizes muscle growth, repair and maintenance.

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The Versatility of Eggs & Healthy Brunch Ideas by Doug Cook RD, MHSc

If you’re looking for ways to add high quality nutrition to your diet, chances are you don’t have to look ...

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The Power of the Smoothie By Doug Cook RD, MHSc

When it comes to healthy eating, it’s important not to get bogged down with dietary dogma; rules that more often ...

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