Tower of Omelets Florentine, Sausages and Hollandaise Sauce

For brunch, eggs are a must! Why not present them with style, like in a restaurant? Here’s a tasty idea for presenting your eggs and sausages in style.

  • Prep time: 10 min
  • Cook time: 20 min

Nutritional Information


2 tbsp / 30 ml
Finely chopped chives
1/2 tsp / 3 ml
Salt and pepper
Juice from half a lemon
Egg yolks
1/2 pound / 225 g
Cold butter
Hollandaise sauce:
Italian breakfast sausages, diced, pre-cooked
EGG Bakes! Egg Patties (there are 4 in a package)
1 cup
Baby spinach (raw)


  1. FOR THE HOLLANDAISE SAUCE: Place all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook on medium heat. Continuously stir with a whisk (do not allow to boil). Add the chives. Adjust the seasoning. Set aside.

  2. FOR THE MAIN DISH: Heat up the egg patties as indicated on the packaging. In a non-stick pan, heat up the Italian sausages for 5 to 8 minutes. Set aside.

  3. BUILDING THE TOWER ON THE PLATE: Place the raw baby spinach at the bottom of the plate. Set down 1 egg patty. Stack 1 sausage on top. Repeat. Set down 1 more egg patty. Stack 1 more sausage on top. Then finish with the last egg patty. Top with hollandaise sauce. Garnish with fresh chives.

This recipe was made with:

EGG Bakes! Egg Patties

Fluffy and light, the perfect addition to any breakfast sandwich.

Learn More

Tips: Whipping

For extra fluffy pancakes, separate eggs and beat whites until they form soft peaks in a separate bowl. Fold whites into the batter and prepare as usual.

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